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Anchor Point Risk Suite

The Anchorpoint Risk Suite is an auditable risk framework that will help you achieve IFRS  and regulatory compliance and improve your credit risk management. As an integrated platform, the Risk Suite enables easy sharing of information between your finance and risk teams, using a single consolidated database.

This suite provides an affordable solution for data availability and data benchmarking to meet the challenges of low data environments, facilitating the calculation of ECL and discount rates in the corporate, SME, public and banking sectors.

Risk Rating
Moody's Risk Calculator

Moody’s Risk Calculator

Moody’s KMV RiskCalc is a BASEL 2 compliant SME model for Africa. Using a network of APRS country-specific models, while using Moody’s methodology and benchmark data, RiskCalc provides the most effective way to capture default risk factors in Africa.

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Moody's Risk Calculator user interface
SME Risk Model

SA SME Risk Model (APRS)

The APRS SA SME Risk Model is a BASEL 2 compliant SME model for South Africa.

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SA SME user interface

PD Term Structure Rating

Ensure consistent risk assumptions across organisation, with the ability to use one point-in-time PD across all modules of the APRS Risk Suite.

Hazard Rate Tool

A best practice approach for calculating retail PD, LGD and EAD by accommodating retail portfolios and using an actuarial process.

Pricing and valuation

IFRS16 Calculator

Calculate your IFRS16 incremental interest rate using our 3-step high-level calculation process.

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IFRS16 user interface

Pricing tool

The Pricing Application is used for the pricing and valuation of non-equity financial securities. It is supported by the Ratings Application and Term Structures provided in the APRS suite of products.

The results from the Pricing Calculator can be used to price new debt issues or value existing non-equity financial securities.

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Anchor Point Risk Pricing Tool user interface (UI)
Client management and reporting
Client Book

Client book

Manage your clients centrally across all modules and have access to full audit tracking from your APRS Risk Suite.

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Anchor Point Risk Client Book user interface (UI)
Anchor Point Risk Suite: Financial Capture icon blue

Financial Capture

Automated scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) of annual financial results quickly and easily into your financial database.

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Financial Capture UI


APRS has developed a reporting function that conforms to requirements under industry standards. This function will be designed and built into the model depending on the clients reporting requirements.

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Anchor Point Risk Reporting Tool user interface (UI)
Portfolio tools

IFRS9 Calculator

A fully automated workflow allows for the implementation of IFRS9 calculation in two weeks. The Expected Credit Loss(ECL) calculation process is pulled into a central analytical platform for accurate and auditable data validation.

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Anchor Point Risk IFRS9 calculator Tool user interface (UI)

Risk Suite support services

APRS provides an end to end implementation and support process specific to the APRS modules selected and tailored to business needs.

Documentation and demonstrations

Documentation and demonstrations

Stakeholder engagement and training

Stakeholder engagement and training

Technology implementation

Technology implementation

Integration support

Integration support

Impact assessment

Impact assessment

Other benefits include:

Anchor Point Risk benefits: Data benchmarking

Data benchmarking

Cost effective and easily accessible benchmark data which is both credible and tailored to our client need.

Anchor Point Risk benefits: Data availability

Data availability

Robust datasets are available from APRS for corporate, SME, public sector and banking clients, facilitating the calculation of ECL, discount rates and other parameters in these sectors.

Anchor Point Risk benefits: Affordability

Affordable solution

An affordable and customisable information management solution allowing your organisation to access highly efficient and productive data-based tools.

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Anchor Point Risk Risk Suite team

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